This online certificate is designed for professionals working in healthcare, education, or social and community services fields who are currently working with, or would like to work with, populations affected by addictions and mental illness.
The program may also be of interest to individuals who want to broaden their understanding of addictions and mental health for personal reasons. This program will explore the complexities of mental illness, the link to addictions, and the needs of a diverse population. Learners will gain the relevant knowledge and practical skills needed to effectively work with populations who may have mental health and addictions issues.
OEL1235 - 3 Addictions and Mental Health |
OEL1266 - 3 Mental Health and Society |
OEL1273 - 3 Human Development |
OEL1400 - 3 Introduction to Counselling |
OEL8001 - 2 Positive Perspectives: Methods and Strategies |
Electives: Learners must complete two electives of their choosing from the list below:
Requirements & Program Information
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), or equivalent, or 19 years of age or older
Students must successfully complete all courses within 7 years of acceptance into the program in order to graduate
Students must obtain a G.P.A. of 2.0 or 60% or higher to obtain this certificate
Career Path
The program is directed to those who have related experience in the fields of mental health and addictions, which may include positions in community services (e.g. social workers, child and youth workers, police officers), education (e.g. educational support workers, educational assistants, teachers), and health (e.g. occupational therapist assistants, physiotherapist assistants, personal support workers, and nurses).
For more details on related occupations, job market information and career opportunities, see the Government of Canada website: